Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Tel: 810-004-9440

Constituent Member Society of WASPaLM

​Affiliate Members of IFCC & EFLM

Rules & Regulations between Center & State Captured
ACCLMP Central Committee Rules & Regulations
Central EC will be chosen from permanent members only.
Number of persons from each state will be taken as per their membership numbers.
All life members of any state will automatically be the members of central ACCLMP.
State chapter will have their individual Executive Committee which will be elected through their annual GB meetings.
Central EC of ACCLMP will be chosen on the basis of election( may be online) and for this committee voting rights will be reserved to the state chapter EC members only.
Central ACCLMP will mainly be responsible for organizing Annual Conference and conference committee will be decided by Central EC only.
Journal committee will also be chosen by central EC.
Since PG rules and regulations are different in different states so Student affairs will be dealt by state chapters and there will be no such section in central EC.
State chapters will have independent rights to organise CMEs, workshops and GB meetings but if the program needs any sponsorship or financial support of third party then permission of Central EC will be mandatory.
Each state chapter will have their individual bank accounts and signatory authorities.
Annual financial budget and financial audit by any authorized CA farm is mandatory. Central EC may ask state to show the said documents and state EC may ask the same to Central EC too.
Corporate liaison and brand communications are strictly restricted to central EC only, if state feels to have separate corporate liaison then permission of Central EC will be mandatory.
State chapters may have separate websites but none of the contents should differ from central ACCLMP web page. Permission of Central EC before publishing web page is also mandatory.
Membership criteria will remain same for all states and membership numbers will be given by Central ACCLMP only. State member’s membership charges will be collected by state chapters only.
Annual membership will not be entertained in Central ACCLMP, state May give provisional annual membership but membership number will not be provided from central until the member becomes life member.
Not covered by any of these plans? Contact us and we will find the best solution to suit you.